Healthy Breakfast

Chia Pudding Chia seeds are minuscule dynamos for your wellbeing. Loaded with fiber and protein (a 1.5-ounce serving of chia seeds can contain around 7 grams of protein), they are likewise wealthy in cell reinforcements, which can assist with battling irritation. Another advantage? They're without gluten and veggie lover, settling on them an astounding decision for the overwhelming majority dietary inclinations. To make your own smooth and delightful chia pudding, basically blend ¼ cup chia seeds with 1 cup of milk (plant-based or cow-based, your decision); work it up, cover, and leave in the refrigerator short-term. The seeds will ingest the fluid and stout up into a scrumptious pudding. Add maple syrup, nut spread, natural product, honey or jam for an Insta-commendable brekkie

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